Top 20 NuGet phone Packages

Northern Lights WP7 Toolkit contains some common tools for WP7 Developers.
ReviewBugger is a class that can be added to Windows Phone projects and can be used to bug app users to leave you reviews and rate your app on the Marketplace.
An MVC3 helper library that makes generating valid TwilML responses and handling Twilio requests incredibly easy.
A helper library that makes generating valid TwilML responses and handling Twilio requests incredibly easy.
Control which automatically generates a UI for settings used with the SettingsProvider
Some essential controls, which are not available in other frameworks
a collection of wp7 helper classes which make it simpler to write tests for wp7
An MVC + MVVM implementation for windows phone 7, supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
An MVC + MVVM implementation for windows phone 7, supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more! This package only contains the libraries, no default controllers, views, viewmodels, or instructions
Are you tired of recreating the same options dialog logic and content for each Windows Phone app every time? "Your Last Options Dialog" is a robust and generic, highly configurable, localizable and extensible implementation you can easily pull into your own app and set up for your needs.
This is an extension to the YLOD package that adds support for additional data types which requires the Coding4Fun toolkit.
Yandex Maps control. See samples at
A control that mimics the behaviour of the Email app's reply/reply all/forward menu.
This package contains several handy controls that Matthijs Krempel has developed during his career as a profesional Windows Phone 7 developer. Includes; * HTMLTextBlock * DelayLoadImage * Multibinding * WebBrowserHelper * RearrangeListbox * PullToRefreshPanel * Turnstile transition * Continuum tran...
Hoppio is a different of hosting solution for your mobile apps. Instead of having to take on the thankless job of making sure your backend servers scale to meet the demands of your growing app, and not to mention the security and cost concerns of managing and deploying your own backend. That is why ...
LEGACY PACKAGE - Use GoogleAnalyticsTracker.WP7 or GoogleAnalyticsTRacker.WP8 instead - GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
TcpClient with SSL support for Windows Phone. Provides SSL Socket support to Windows Phone.
Softbuild.Media is WriteableBitmap effector and utilities for Windows Phone 7.1/Windows store apps projects.
ISMOT Async Helper is a wrapper library for Microsoft's Async Library (CTP). Using this library greatly facilitates asyncrounous calls in Silverlight and Windows Phone projects.
ISMOT Async Helper is a wrapper library for Microsoft's Async Library (CTP). Using this library greatly facilitates asyncrounous calls in Silverlight projects.