Top 20 NuGet permissions Packages

Owin Framework authorization middleware that checks if the identity making the request has permission to do so and returns a 403 response if it does not
PermissionDispatcher's permissionDispatcher bindings for Xamarin
An implementation of the IPermissionsStore using RavenDB.
Implementation of Loremipsum Permissions for ASP.NET MVC
Roughly a CanCan port from Ruby to .NET, VERY rough. Under development, work in progress, do not use in production!
Discord.Net module for command permission management.
Android runtime permissions powered by RxJava
Interface definitions to support plug and play between OWIN Framework authorization packages
System to abstract the job ob create permissions based on claims, for more info, check the example in
VkNet extension to authenticate as Android client app
Entityframework support for PolicyServer for ASP.Net Core
Package for configuring operations with data according to user permissions.
An easy and reliable way to manage User, Roles and Permisisons of your web application (.NET Framework)
Config file configurable principal permissions.
A .NET library you can use to perform permissions based authorization. It allows you to administer the permissions as well as assert a member's authorization for a particular action, inheriting group permissions, and defaulting to deny anything not explicitly given.
Common constructs for permission management.
Apache Shiro styled permission manager.
Content management library
Package Description
Package Description