Top 20 NuGet permissions Packages

Manager for Roles and Permissions of PolicyServer.Local
Manage who can see the content apps in your Umbraco site by changing an app setting in your web.config
A class library for common file system operations including inheritance and permissions.
RabbitMQ message provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
Entity Framework Core data provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
FubuMVC Permissions Module
A powerful .Net component for managing permission entries in content repositories.
Entity Framework data provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
MSMQ message provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
Simple listener-based API to handle runtime permissions and with Xiaomi's Permissions support.
React Native Permissions (react-native-permissions) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
W3c Permissions (w3c-permissions) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Data access layer for the Owin Framework authorization middleware that uses the Prius ORM
Client for the Policy Server for ASP.Net Core
Authorization framework for ASP.Net Core
Xamarin.Android Binding for Karumi's Dexter, an Android library that simplifies the process of requesting permissions at runtime.
Configuration store support for Balea. For more information see
User interface for managing groups, roles and permissions for the Owin Framework authorization middleware