Top 20 NuGet performance Packages

BenchmarkDotNet Templates
Object Pool Library for reusing objects in .Net. Reuse of objects decreases load on Garbage Collector and increases performance of application. Library is based on Roslyn ObjectPool.
Unchase Fluent Performance Meter is an open-source and cross-platform .Net Standart 2.0 library is designed for the method’s performance measurement.
A dotnet tool for performance analysis
Easy to use library for measuring execution times of code sections: var execution = ExecutionTimeCounter.Start("SLEEP EXECUTION"); Thread.Sleep(5); ExecutionTimeCounter.Stop(execution); var result = ExecutionTimeCounter.ResultsToString(); Console.WriteLine(result);
Site24x7 APM Insight .NET core agent API supports tracking exceptions and setting custom transaction name. You can find more information in
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking logger type generation.
Use the interop implementation of the virtual dom for creating VSTO addins.
High Performance multi-threaded socket server in C#.
Fast, easy, unobtrusive, light-weight, and concurrency-safe cache library for NetCore and Net 5. Prevents cache stampedes and makes it easy to implement application caching.
PreLoader helps you to pre load data to memory before user navigates to its destination page, helping to speed up your Xamarin.Forms App's page loading.
MAD.NET Configuration Extensions
MAD.NET Configuration Extensions
A simple service that sends performance counter values to StatsD