Top 20 NuGet performance Packages

Sample for using package Etimo.Benchmarks
An optimized version of HtmlAgilityPack with many bug fixes and improvements. Improved features: * Minimizes heap allocations and avoids duplicate strings in the heap * HtmlAttribute, HtmlAttributeCollection, HtmlNodeCollection are now structs * Proper encoding/unencoding of attributes * Fixed allo...
Client component for sending managed measurements to InfluxDB. This is the core component of the Influx Capacitor project that collects performance counter data.
Log API Calls to Moesif API Analytics
MiniProfiler: Profiler storage for SQL Server Compact Edition
MiniProfiler: Profiler storage for SQLite
CodeJam.PerfTests.xUnit provides xUnit support for BenchmarkDotNet-driven performance tests.
CodeJam.PerfTests.MSTest provides MSTest support for BenchmarkDotNet-driven performance tests. Should be installed into test project as MSTest does not provide dependency package yet.
DSM Libraries - Orm Service
DSM Libraries Gateway Engine
Azure API Performance benchmarking tool
Package Description
MAD.NET Linq Extensions
Everytime I start a new or MVC project I find myself applying the same settings to the Web.config over and over again. So, after doing that for the n-th time I spent a few moments creating this NuGet package to automate it. See the project site for a complete list of settings.
A collection of extension methods, abstract base classes and helpers for general purposes
Package Description
High performance web framework based on Ice Core