Top 20 NuGet pdf Packages

Pdf Generation
Pdf manipulation package
Pdf manipulation package
Pdf manipulation package
Pdf manipulation
Pdf manipulation
Pdf manipulation
Pdf manipulation
PDF tool. Automated port of FPDF with some changes and fixes.
An alias for Cake to help with running Markdown-Pdf commands as part of a build
Visaul Basic Azuki bean
My package description.
Dotnetcore PDF html based generator. Uses the libwkhtmltox native libraries to genrate pdf data.
Pdf Renderer for UWP
Aspose for Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers. Aspose for Cloud’s REST APIs gives developers on all platforms total control over documents and file formats. It interoperates seamlessly with other cloud services.
WebPx PDF Viewer
This is a direct fork of the DotNetCorePdf project by Chirs Bardsley, updated to use the .net Core 2.0 framework.
A convenience package for using wkhtmltopdf.exe in a .NET project. This only includes wkhtmltopdf.exe and not wkhtmltoimage.exe. Use for Windows Vista + (see for details) Based on package from user cdroulers:
PDF-XChange Printer Type Libraries for V4,V2012,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10. Refer to for SDKs etc