Top 20 NuGet pdf Packages

Html To PDF
Convert Office documents to Pdf.
A single package to convert XPS to PDF. Since you can convert WPF object to XPS easily, here the last piece to free easy reporting.
The Package is for PowerPoint. 1.Insert Slide 2.Delete Slide 3.Insert Picture to the Slide 4.Export to Pdf 5.Create New PowerPoint
Cake Addin for converting markdown files to pdf.
The PDF Library .NET Core. Export PDF with table, image, grid... with full format: Horizontal, Vertical, Border, Background Color, Bold... public IActionResult PDF() { var model = new PDFDocument(12, PageSize.A4); model.AddCell(new PDFCell("PDF Library by HT Team") { Horizont...
Report Manager Solution for Molecule Software Applications
This project implements convertetion of HTML to PDF, working in windows e linux only on x64 arch.
This is a component of WkHtmlSmartConvert that copies the wkhtmltopdf file to the output folder instead of having to install wkhtmltopdf on the host
A library that can simply combine two PDF documents into one, or combine a list of PDF documents into one
A library that merges two or more PDF documents into one
Convert Excel file to PDF using Excel Interop.
Extension to IActionResult for Viewing PDF
The XAML Reporting engine is a tool, which offers reporting tools based on XAML and has the functionality to export to XPS, XLS(X), CSV and PDF.
Cake Addin for converting markdown files to pdf.
Package Description
PDFtk Server is a command-line tool for working with PDFs.
Replacement/placeholder for System.Web