Top 20 NuGet patterns Packages

Implements a very simple unoptimized store for the file system.
The provided adapter pattern allows to convert any object to any other supported type, as provided by the registered adapters. This package is a convenience grouping of all three separate pieces, for cases where you want to deploy all of them in a single project. ...
The provided adapter pattern allows to convert any object to any other supported type, as provided by the registered adapters. This package is a convenience grouping of all three separate pieces, for cases where you want to deploy all of them in a single project. ...
Repository pattern for loosely coupled enterprise systems. Contains generic method signatures for Get (including get using paging) and CRUD operations.
A ServiceStack.Redis-based implementation of the NoSQL abstraction layer
Allows for configuring transaction policies via an XML document.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainCommands
Implements the event sourcing pattern for entities persisted via EF
Provides the core APIs to implement the event sourcing pattern and an application event bus.
Provides additional behavior to the Event Sourcing package DomainObject partial class to allow auto wiring of event handlers using conventions.
Provides reusable extensions that make implementing an event store over an underlying IQueryable repository trivial.
Provides the primitives for centralizing and reusing Linq queries across a domain.
Tests for netfx-Patterns.QuerySpecs
Provides the implementation of an API and service to perform general purpose adaptation of one type to another via registered adapters.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.Adapter.Implementation
Provides an the public API to perform general purpose adaptation of one type to another via registered adapters
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.Adapter.Implementation
The default presentation template for Running Objects that is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap framework.
Only two APIs are provided: the IAdapterService and its facade extension method As in the Adapters type. You can chose to use the former service directly instead of the convenience extension method. You don't lose any testability in doing either way, although yo...