Top 20 NuGet pattern Packages

Biblioteca que permite adicionar notificações em suas classes (entidade, objeto de valor, serviços, Dtos e etc) Vantagens - Suporte em 2 idiomas - Gera mensagens automáticas baseada na validação que deseja O foco deste framework é permitir que trabalhe com notificações ao invés de e...
Value is a pico library (or code snippets shed) to help you to easily implement Value Types (also known as Value Objects in DDD) in your C# projects without making implementation errors nor polluting your domain logic with boiler-plate code.
LeadPipe.Net.Data.NHibernate.CastleWindsor is a comprehensive pre-built data implementation package that uses NHibernate and provides implementations of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. This package provides easy component registration for Castle Windsor users. ...
The MongoDB Abstracts library defines abstract base classes for repository pattern.
Puresharp is a Framework that provides the essential APIs to productively build high quality (.NET 4.5.2+ & .NET Core 2.1+) applications through reliability, scalability and performance without no compromise.
IPuresharp urbanize libraries with strategic private code to lay transparent foundations for Puresharp API .NET
Library to manage database change tracking as a stream.
Provides unit testing helper classes using the Repository Pattern to communicate with a database using Entity Framework 5.
Provides helper classes using the Repository Pattern on a SQL Server database.
Provides helper classes using the Repository Pattern on an Oracle database.
Provides helper classes using the Repository Pattern to communicate with a database using Entity Framework 5.
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
Aeon repository pattern extension methods
An interface for Json serialization. Uses DI and IOptions(JsonSerializationOptions), for the default JsonProvider
An XML serializer abstraction
Advanced repository and unit of work pattern implementations for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore. Implements 'Repositive.Abstractions' contracts.
Implementation of CircuitBreaker pattern for .NET
The specification pattern for composable business logic, in C#.
A simple dll that contains a matching class to match strings and to calculate the score of similarity between the two strings using the Ratcliff-Obershelp algorithm.