Top 20 NuGet pattern Packages

Pyxis tollkit for windows applications.
Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm
MCM (Message-Command-Message) is an open source framework for building modular, military simple .NET applications and state machine APIs of any size. Highly recommended is using it with Visual Studio Templates from
Package Description
This is a generic builder class which separates off the business of creation into a reusable component. Its a quick step to get into the builder pattern which is useful for building loads of things, hierarchical things, fluent interfaces for configuring things and all that.
Asynchronous API of the command pattern for C#.
This library contains UnitOfWorks, Repository, Command, Command Manifest, Task command and EventAggregator pattern interfaces.
Implementación del patron Specification. Clases y contratos del patrón especificación (Specification). ISpecification, Specification, ExpressionSpecification, SpecificationExtensions, AndSpecification
An application framework that makes you very fluent in developing .NET applications
Repository pattern implementation for convenient list data access through the SharePoint JavaScript client object model.
Integrates CommonProvider to Castle Windsor Ioc for resolving dependencies.
ZimCode.ViewModels is an collection of handy classes for the MVVM pattern.
Autofac implementation for the domain event handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Domain.UnitOfWork NuGet.
Integration between SpecFlow and WebAutomation. For more details see Project Site.
ScopedUnitOfWork is a lightweight .NET Standard implementation of Unit of Work and Repository patterns, extended with scoped functionality to improve read performance and in-built with transactions management; in respect to underlying Entity Framework Core ORM.
This package provides a way to implement Unit Of Work and Repository patterns with Entity Framework Core and DbContextScope.
Entity Framework Fluent Repository pattern
A generic, portable, tested and easy to use Singleton pattern implementation for .NET, to enforce a pattern of singular instance creation