Top 20 NuGet parsing Packages

This is the lightweight core library for Rolosoft Domain Parser.
TauCode parsing library
Option parsing, inspired by getopt but also allowing for Windows conventions.
Implementation of Roman Numerals for the .Net platform. Allows conversion between integers and their roman numeral representations as well as parsing roman numerals.
Utils.SourceText is a library for F# that allows you to store coordinates of different parts of code on the usefull way.
Performance-optimised JSON parser that avoids the Large Object Heap.
Abstract parsing common stuff.
Core of YaccConstructor: IL, common functions, grammar transformations, managers and checkers.
Parsing for IP Addresses. .e.g. formatting for reversing IP addresses getting ready for PTR or block list queries.
A small library for efficient and easy HTML parsing using C#'s dynamic feature. Provides extension methods for HtmlAgilityPack's HtmlNode class. Example: How to get the URLs of all images that are within a div with class "container": var urls = document.AsDynamic().body.div("class"...
Performance-optimised JSON-serialisation tool for .NET.
A lucene style query parser that is extensible and allows additional syntax features.
Hext is a set of extensions for HTML Agility Pack that aim to provide a concise, expressive syntax.
iTin Export Engine Core, contains a tab-separated values (txt), comma-seprated values (csv), XML spreadsheet 2003 (xml) and SQL Script (sql) native writers
Contains a pdf native writer for iTin Export Engine
Contains a docx writer for iTin Export Engine
Contains a xslx writer for iTin Export Engine
xSkrape provides parsing / tabular detection for structured, semi and non-structured data sources with minimal coding. Interact with HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, DropBox, Google Docs and other sources using simple directives. This package contains a .cs file with example usage of the REST-based vers...