Top 20 NuGet parsing Packages

3rd party tools runtime
Library for reading and writing CSV and Fixed Width files into a class or struct similar to XmlSerializer.
FsAttoparsec is A port of Bryan O'Sullivan's attoparsec from Haskell to F#. This fork is maintained by @haf – just aiming to give timely releases of the software to the community.
Command-Line Parameters Parsing
Tiny library for writing parsers in C#
A super simple JSON library with all the functional goodness of F#
A parsing/validation library for various identifiers used in Czech Republic, e.g. IČO (identifier number for legal persons), rodné číslo (birth number), číslo účtu (bank account number).
Antix HTML Common Code
Tiny, experimental library for generating parsers in C#
Basic temporal parsing for C#
Provides Ofx parsing and building services
The Clux library is intended to help C# developers provide a rich, detailed command-line user-experience with minimal effort
Parsing libraries such as csv and fuzzy matching
Simple library which is able to search, fetch and parse the xdcc packlist of
Read UE pak files and its' included assets.
.Net library for connecting to the Levelmaster Realtime Data Stream
A small framework for quickly writing recursive descent parsers.