Top 20 NuGet parsing Packages

OpenPop.NET is an open source implementation of a POP3 client and a robust MIME parser written in C#. It allows developers easy access to email on a POP3 server in a matter of minutes. The project is backed by several hundred test cases and is therefore believed to be very robust. ...
A .NET Framework 4.5.2 and Standard 2.0 WHOIS Lookup and Parsing Library
Parsing domain names is not easy. For example, how does one extract Top Level Domain (TLD) data from the address ''? Is the TLD br, or is it The correct answer is, but how can we know? The answer is that it is not possible to write simple rules in code to determine TLDs with ...
This .NET standard library contains various parsers Markdown: Allows you to parse a Markdown String into a Markdown Document, and then Render it with a Markdown Renderer.
JSON helper slots for Magic to help you transform JSON to lambda and vice versa. To use package go to
Split name into military rank, honorific, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix, gender. Also matches names.
SyntaxEditor is a powerful text editing WPF control designed for use in IDE applications and script editing scenarios. Code editing features include syntax highlighting, code outlining, line numbers, block selection, IntelliPrompt UI, split views, zooming, bi-di support, and much more. SyntaxEditor...
Command-line parsing API. Commonly used types: Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandOption
A platform-agnostic command parser and dispatcher.
Human name parsing. Parses names using English conventions for persons names. Many thanks to Tyler Young, Matt Gillette, mguiness,Paul Forness, Jamin Quimby
Official helper library for calling the SigParser APIs. This includes email parsing and the data APIs. Contact [email protected] for any help.
Tool - Parse analysis reports (InspectCode, ...) and send messages to build server or console.
Package Description
A lightweight, fast, and flexible parsing library for C#, developed at Stack Overflow.
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
Monarch is a command line parser/command runner
Metadata model, parsing, validation and reporting.
Metadata model, parsing, validation and reporting.