Top 20 NuGet parser Packages

.NET Library for computing grammar-based parsers
.Net Library to read from fixed width or delimiter separated file using strongly typed objects. Example: pipe delimited, csv, tsv, etc.
OTML is an object tree model language. It is a language that describes a tree of objects, which is easily readable by both man and machine. It is abstract, flexible and simple, there is no data standardization and no arrays in it. OTML supports comments and stream processing.
This library provides classes as well as interfaces to be used to generate binary dumps from certain buffers.
Library to parse JSON Data
The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a clean and concise API for manipulating command line arguments and related tasks.
Import, edit and export Synthesia's metadata file
Provides Protocol Buffer Parser and Listener assets which build a subset of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Descriptors.
Tools and extensions for working with data.
CSV file parser. Convert csv files into objects.
The Langly runtime.
Standalone version of the JSON parser file included in some of the ratchet libraries. Usually the parser file is included directly instead of including the library
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
An API for quick and easy parsing of Player Journal log entries in the game Elite: Dangerous
Parse text with pattern. Inspired by grok filter.
Library for automatic Command Line parsing and routing.
Components for work with Visual Studio through SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * DTEComponent For work with [EnvDTE]( ```...
Extended Core components for SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * SevenZipComponent ``` #[7z pack.files({"IntelOCL.log", "IntelChipset.log"}, "ilog.7z")] #[7z pack.files...