Top 20 NuGet parser Packages

ConsoleCommon is a .net library that provides a set of helper tools intended for use with console applications. These tools focus on automating argument typing and validation, and creating help text.
An object that makes it easy to extract information from strings, especially HTML content.
A netstandard command-line parser and powershell wrapper.
A TextBox by default value to hint that and have some features such as Math Parser, Numeric Mode, Thousands Separator and etc. for more informations:
Sort large and small delimited or fixed width files by defined key(s) and direction with optional data filtering and progress reporting. Merge purge two files.
A library for customizable parsing of markdown documents and transforming into other formats. Install this package to include all subpackages (Core, Parser, Transform) This package contains the Fluent API as well as the Factory API for
General SQL Parser .NET is a library helps you to parse, analyze, modify and format complex SQL query from various database vendors in your own program.
CsQuery is an HTML parser, CSS selector engine and jQuery port for .NET 4 and C#. It implements all CSS2 & CSS3 selectors, all the DOM manipulation methods of jQuery, and some of the utility methods. The majority of the jQuery test suite (as of 1.6.2) has been ported to C#.
General SQL Parser .NET is a library helps you to parse, analyze, modify and format complex SQL query from various database vendors in your own program.
.NET Compilers package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the specific version of the C# and Visual Basic compilers contained in the package, as opposed to any system installed version. This package can be used to compile code targeting any platform, but ...
This .NET Standard library is a simple command line argument parser. It uses attributes on classes that define which of the properties are used as command line arguments. Custom types can be processed by implementing and registering interface `ICustomConverter`.
This library is a simple CSV file parser. It uses attributes on classes that define which of the properties are used as CSV file columns.
DelimiterReader is the csv-format parser
jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.
Open source transformation services for X12 files
Open source specifications for X12 documents
A library for parsing plain-text email replies and removing quotes, signatures etc.
This .NET Standard library is a simple CFG/INI file parser. Main feature of this package is the possibility to parse INI file content directly into model classes, that are tagged by special attributes. Another feature of this package is the usage of different INI file formats, e.g. INI files in UNIX...