Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

Linux .NET Core Sqlite runtime libraries for Iridium
Native Sqlite libraries for Windows .NET Core
OrmLite for Sqlite with System.Data.SQLite.Core
Dashing.Weaver is a compile time tool for adding behaviour to a Dashing domain model
.Net Core MySql
Simple Micro ORM for SQLite
Core interfaces and enumerations for the Thuria Thark framework
Simple CRUD operations for Dapper.
Simple CRUD operations for Dapper.
Adds integration with ASP.NET for DataObjects.Net Core-powered projects
DataObjects.Net Core is the object-relational mapper (ORM) and business logic layer (BLL) framework
Extends ADONetHelper library to Snowflake
Library to abstract orm.
DynamicDb is a lightweight library with a simple interface that can be used to peform common SQL database operations. Dynamic SQL is generated behind the scenes and results are mapped to dynamic objects (if applicable). DynamicDb is best used for unit testing and utility-type applications.
This is an lambda extension of dapper, Chain style makes developers more elegant and intuitive.
This is an lambda extension of dapper, Chain style makes developers more elegant and intuitive.
This is an lambda extension of dapper, Chain style makes developers more elegant and intuitive.