Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

High-performance ADO.NET object mapper.
Dapper; installed as code that compiles into your project instead of an assembly dependency.
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
AntData.Orm For Dotnet Core
Configure databases in Prius ORM to connect to MySql and MariaDB. Defines the server type 'MySql' that you can use in your Prius ORM configuration file.
Configure databases in Prius ORM to connect to PostgreSQL databases. Defines the server type 'PostgreSql' that you can use in your Prius ORM configuration file.
Configure databases in Prius ORM to connect to Microsoft SQL Server. Defines the server type 'SqlServer' that you can use in your Prius ORM configuration file.
Configure databases in Prius ORM to connect to SQLite databases. Defines the server type 'SQLite' that you can use in your Prius ORM configuration file.
MapLess is a minimal Micro-ORM library to map database objects to application interfaces.
Easy library to encapsulate Mongo queries into a single call, handle references and simplifying development
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
Package Description
Package Description
SmartSql V2.0 obsolete SmartSql.Logging.NLog using DI injection.
Mapping DTO to/from Entity with Generic Repository Pattern.
Redis on Steroids (Roidis) is an object hash mapper built on top of redis.