Top 20 NuGet opengl Packages

A small library designed to be an object oriented wrapper around the OpenGL API. This library uses 100% DSA(Direct State Access) OpenGL, it also exposes some optional extentions such as bindless textures, make sure your GPU can support DSA (OpenGL 4.5 or higher).
ImGui integration for Veldrid. Provides a simple interface for rendering and interacting with ImGui.NET.
ImageSharp integration for Veldrid. Provides functionality for loading GPU Textures with ImageSharp.
Pencil.Gaming library to access the native GLFW3 framework
SharpGLES OpenGL ES 2.0 emulation for Windows Desktop
Game content creation and compilation tools
This wrapper allows you to use the C/C++ AntTweakBar library in your C# code through a managed, type-safe interface, letting you quickly create elegant graphical widgets for your tech demos and games. AntTweakBar.NET supports both OpenGL and DirectX, runs on Windows and Linux, and is Mono-compatible...
This wrapper allows you to use the C/C++ AntTweakBar library in your C# code through a managed, type-safe interface, letting you quickly create elegant graphical widgets for your tech demos and games. AntTweakBar.NET supports both OpenGL and DirectX, runs on Windows and Linux, and is Mono-compatible...
Runs OpenGL ES content on Windows by translating OpenGL ES API calls to DirectX 11 API calls. Targets Windows Phone 8.1 apps and Windows 8.1 Store apps.
SOIL is a tiny C library used primarily for uploading textures into OpenGL. It is based on stb_image version 1.16, the public domain code from Sean Barrett. I have extended it to load TGA and DDS files, and to perform common functions needed in loading OpenGL textures. SOIL can also be used to save ...
OpenGL library for C#
Desktop OpenGL Backend for Chobo
Vortex Engine Resources
Raw OpenGL bindings for .NET. Used by Veldrid for OpenGL interop.