Top 20 NuGet null Packages

A safe monadic binder that will evaluate an expression chain and return an option type with information about whether the chain succeeded or not and where it failed.
Maybe type representing optional values.
DEPRECATED: Optional.Extensions has been replaced by more specific packages. Check out Optional.Collections, Optional.Utilities etc. Extended functionality for Optional.
Instead of null checks you can simply write for example Result.OrDefault(() => SelectedItem.Invoice.Employee.Name.ToString());
Null aware ToString magically calls ToString method on any object without throwing NullReferenceException.
Converts true to Visible, false to Collapsed, and null to Hidden
A class which defines a date which can have null for components (day, month, year) of the date.
Roslyn analyzer for enforcing null contracts
Analyzer to avoid usage of null in class types. To be used in conjuction with NullableClass
NullaBool: the absolute worst idea you will ever see. Nobody needs this, but everybody deserves it.
Implementation of the Option pattern (also called Maybe pattern) for the .NET platform. For documentation and examples of use, see project website.
Null and empty string check extension methods
A package containing an Option<T> class that functions like a Haskell Maybe type. It is meant to replace certain instances where null is normally used.
Small Utility functionalities and a null exception check for our desired fields
Small Utility functionalities and a null exception check for our desired fields