Top 20 NuGet null Packages

A simple and easy to use option type for C#.
Guardian. Mostly of null values. An unobtrusive, lightweight, guard clause source code package: less than 300 lines of code. Should be used like this: Guard.Against.Null(() => parameter); May be extended like this: Guard.Against.Empty(() => collection); Possibly the best t...
Monads are logic in-between instructions and often called "programmable ; " a common monads (Maybe, Do, Return ....) that helps with null checks
A small library to navigate null-safely through objects.
A set of useful extension methods. Null and default values checking, Strings helpers, basic validators.
NotNull is a small library to make working with null values easier.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
A lightweight, low overhead, low ceremony, cross platform library for guarding against bad method inputs.
Optional is a robust option/maybe type for C#.
Fluent Null check - With - Return - If - Unless - Do - As<> - AsNullable<> - Cast<> - SilentCast<> - TryWith - TryReturn - TryDo -Throw Check argument and throw exception - ShouldnotBeNull - ShouldHaveValue (for T?) - ShouldBeInRange - ShouldnotBeInRange - ShouldBeAtLeast - ShouldBeAtMost - ShouldS...
Adds functional programming aspects using functions like Some, None, Ok, Error
Helper classes to avoid usage of null in class types. To be used in conjuction with NullableClass.Analyzer
Extends Rlx to support common ASP.NET MVC Core functions
The Diagnostics library provides classes that help checking incoming parameters of a method using the Fluent API or not, depending on what you prefer.
Simple strong typing of whether JSON properties are excluded or null. JsonSkippable is an F# library that allows you to simply differentiate between null and omitted JSON properties in a strongly typed manner, for both serialization and deserialization.
NList brings an enormous number of powerful, STL-like algorithms to the .NET platform for processing indexable collections. There is a handlebars.js-like text generator. It has a powerful IComparer builder. There is a DefaultDictionary class. There is a class to convert an object into a dictionary o...
Wrappers and extensions to the .NET collections and LINQ.