Top 20 NuGet npgsql Packages

“Npgsql is a .Net data provider for Postgresql. It allows any program developed for .Net framework to access database server. It is implemented in 100% C# code. Works with Postgresql 7.x and 8.x. This package references on Npgsql.3.0.0. Refer for detail."...
CpsDbHelper(Chain-styled Sql DB Helper)'s postgres extension, using npgsql as underlying provider
Implementation of Wheel.Data for PostgreSql databases. Wheel.Data provides an abstraction layer for access to databases, execution of stored procedures, and configuration of EntityFrameworkCore DbContext classes.
Autumn.Mvc.Data.EF.Npgsql is aspNet Core extension that will make it easier for you to write your REST Data Repository APIs based on EntityFrameworkCore PostgreSQL. Its purpose is to convert a query in RSQL format to lamba expression and to provide a pagination mechanism. Install it and test it! (sh...
ADO.NET Wrappers for PostgreSQL using the very good NuGet package: Npgsql
PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework 5
Apgsql is a .Net data provider for Postgresql.
Make a more readable way to configure a connection string of Npgsql.
C# extension methods for querying, managing and migrating Postgres databases.
.NET Core class library for querying and executing PostgreSQL command (extends from Npgsql)
Test feature for temporary database in PostgreSQL server
Includes RESTier related packages, and Npgsql. RESTier is a RESTful API development framework for building standardized, OData V4 based RESTful services on .NET. Npgsql is a .NET data provider for PostgreSQL.
Simple wrapper with its factory for working with PostgreSQL database connections by Dapper and Npgsql
Package Description
Business Logic Toolkit PostgreSql Data Provider for .NET
PostgreSQL implementation of the ASP.NET 2.0+ Membership, Role, Profile and Session-State Store Provider.
NauckIT.PostgreSQLProvider is a PostgreSQL implementation of the ASP.NET 2.0+ Membership, Role, Profile and Session-State Store Provider. NauckIT.PostgreSQLProvider is released under the MIT/X11 license.
Test feature for temporary database in PostgreSQL server
Test feature for temporary database in PostgreSQL server