Top 20 NuGet neural Packages
C# bindings for Keras on Win64 - Keras.NET is a high-level neural networks API, capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
Catalyst is a Natural Language Processing library built from scratch for speed. Inspired by spaCy's design, it brings pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models. You can install language-specific models with the model ...
Contains neural learning algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquardt, Parallel Resilient Backpropagation, initialization procedures such as Nguyen-Widrow and other neural network related methods. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
TorchSharp makes PyTorch available for .NET users. libtorch-cuda-10.2-win-x64 contains components of the PyTorch LibTorch library version 1.7.0 redistributed as a NuGet package with added support for TorchSharp.
TorchSharp makes PyTorch available for .NET users. libtorch-cuda-10.2-linux-x64 contains components of the PyTorch LibTorch library version 1.7.0 redistributed as a NuGet package with added support for TorchSharp.
Provides learning algorithms and models for neural net regression and classification.
C# bindings for Keras on OSX - Keras.NET is a high-level neural networks API, capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
C# bindings for Keras on Linux - Keras.NET is a high-level neural networks API, capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano.
LibTopoART provides C# implementations of several TopoART neural networks which are suited to problems such as online-learning, lifelong learning from data streams, as well as incremental learning and prediction from non-stationary data, noisy data, imbalanced data, and incomplete data.
C# Binding for the Apache MxNet library. NDArray, Symbolic and Gluon Supported
MxNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to mix symbolic and imperative programming to maximize efficiency and productivity. At its core, MXNet contains a dynamic dep...
TorchSharp makes PyTorch available for .NET users. libtorch-cuda-10.2 contains components of the PyTorch LibTorch library version 1.7.0 redistributed as a NuGet package with added support for TorchSharp.
Hash2Vec tool for vectorizing text to numerical vector.
The basis of this algorithm is the principle of obtaining a vector based on the morphological structure of the word and coding this basis of the word into a numerical vector. Hash2Vec can be used in two operating modes: in fuzzy search mode and...
Encog is an advanced machine learning framework that supports a variety of advanced algorithms, as well as support classes to normalize and process data. Machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Programming, Bayesian Networks, Hidden Markov Mod...
Bright Wire is an open source machine learning library. Includes neural networks (feed forward, convolutional and recurrent), naive bayes, linear regression, decision trees, logistic regression, k-means clustering and dimensionality reduction.
.NET Bindings for Torch. Requires reference to one of libtorch-cpu, libtorch-cuda-12.1, libtorch-cuda-12.1-win-x64 or libtorch-cuda-12.1-linux-x64 version to execute.
TorchSharp makes PyTorch available for .NET users. libtorch-cpu contains components of the PyTorch LibTorch library version 2.5.1 redistributed as a NuGet package with added support for TorchSharp.
Integration for Catalyst to run spaCy models from C#.
A tiny neural network library.
Package Description
Deep learning library for F#. Provides symbolic model differentiation, automatic differentiation and compilation to CUDA GPUs. Includes optimizers and model blocks used in deep learning.
Make sure to set the platform of your project to x64.