Top 20 NuGet netstandard2.0 Packages

DataBse.MongoDb is a class library tool that connects to MySql database by using Dapper driver
Consider this a bridge solution until the big gun loggers like Log4Net or NLog catch up with .Net Core/Standard 2.0 Provides the most basic functionality of logging for .Net Standard 2.0 and .Net Core 2.0 projects. The project allows logging to a file or the console, with timestamps, and with the m...
CoinMarketCal API C# wrapper
A simple to use websocket with a very easy way to get it to work, just requires four lines of code.
Warble.NET provides a platform agnostic C# API around the Warble C library
fork from just adding support .NET Core 3.0 .NET Standard 2.0
Utf8Json (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
protobuf-net (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
MessagePack (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
A Neural Networks Library for netstandard2.0 and dotnet core.
A implementation of the publish-subscribe pattern. Includes support for messages being passed to UI thread.
A small library for storing settings and other small pieces of information as JSON files.
A library to manage files in an organized, efficient and simple manner.
Extension Methods for ASP.NET Core usage of Fluint library.
A Fluent library for I18n lookup.
This is a netstandard package with IME implementation of Windows, MacOS and Linux with SDL2.
IDataBase is a database connection - driven base class
Package Description
HtmlKit is a cross-platform .NET framework for parsing HTML.