Top 20 NuGet netstandard2.0 Packages
A Reliance Thermal printer API that support firmware updates and configuration. This requires the Reliance printer to be connected via USB.
An NLog layout renderer be used to access appsettings.json.
Supported platforms:
- .NET Standard 1.6
- .NET Standard 2.0
ArchPM .NetCore Core Http Operations for net standard
ProEnum - JSON Converter/Serialization using System.Text.Json
InfluxDB sink for Serilog with .NET standard 2.0.
Redbridge console library for console output
SampleDataBuilder for tests
Common utility classes
ProEnum - JSON Converter/Serialization using Newtonsoft.Json
One signal client targeting .Net Framework 4.5.2 and .Net Standard for .Net Core 2.0+ support.
Feel Free to contribute! :)
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DateTime provides robust recognition and resolution of Date and Time expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese,
German, Italian, and Turkish. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text provides base classes for robust recognition and resolution of text entities. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
Decode MP3 files to PCM bitstreams entirely in .NET managed code.
AutoFixture support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.Sequence provides robust recognition and resolution of series entities like phone numbers, URLs, and e-mail and IP addresses. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.NumberWithUnit provides robust recognition and resolution of numbers with units expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese,
German, Dutch, Italian, Turkish, and Hindi. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled...
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.Number provides robust recognition and resolution of numbers expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese,
German, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Turkish, Swedish, and Hindi. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled...
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DataTypes.TimexExpression provides parsing and evaluation of TIMEX expressions. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.Choice provides recognition of Boolean (yes/no) answers expressed in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese,
Dutch, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Bulgarian, Turkish, Hindi, and Arabic. As well as base classes to support lists of alternative choices. This i...
.Net Standard 2.0 compatible Log4Net appenders