Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

This library is base on Dapper-Extensions, extended several methods.
Package Description
A base class for nested markup extensions and a collection of useful extensions for WPF 3.5 and 4.x. (This is a fork to support .net core 3.1)
Contains Moq argument matchers using FluentAssertions
Simple wrapper around `System.Runtime.Caching`
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
Contains obscure and sometimes deprecated features of the Azure REST API. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
Defines FunctionalNullCache, a null object that implements Functional.CQS.AOP.Caching.Infrastructure.IFunctionalCache
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
The simplest way to build Telegram Bot in the whole multiverse 🤖
Register types in IOC searching for injection interfaces.
Toolbox and WorkFlow for the agile development of .Net Web App and Api projects.