Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

Package Description
Interfaces to implement Entity Framework Core Many-to-Many pattern.
Generate Name Address City ZipCode Color and a lot more (Current Languages: NL BE US)
ScheduleMaster task entry.
Reactive libraries for .NET Core
ES6 Spread operator for .NET Core
MetroFramework .netcore version. support .net framework too.
MetroFramework .netcore version. support .net framework too.
C# UDP multicast message library
MockServer Client API written in dotnet
This package supports the Microsoft Azure Cosmos Client and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
.NET Core Api Wrapper around Zoom's Api
Package Description
Fluent Assertions extensions for NodaTime
This package contains an asynchronous Json serialization plugin. Also serves as an implementation for IMvxJsonConverter and IMvxTextSerializer
Hybrid-ORM for .Net
Small library for password encryption using salting and hashing as well as other nifty crypto functionalities
Package Description