Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

A tool to copy the multi-platform runtime to current project
Library to make using the Options configuration pattern easier. Just add the ConfigurationObject attribute and ConfigureAll!
a simple execution result container for .net and .netcore
A .NET Core wrapper for the API, enabling retrieval of property listings, estimates, area information, and urls for associated graphs.
A Newtonsoft.Json parser for RestSharp.NetCore
ASP.NET Core Identity integration for ArangoDB
aliyun log sdk c# netcore
A set of utilities to make it easy to find all Bible references in plain text. The parser can recognize abbreviations and a number of common spelling mistakes, and even those can be translated. It is designed around the Protestant cannon.
AspNet Core Initializer Middleware
Cache abstraction for NetStandard 1.3
Serialize and deserialize easly from XDocument, XmlDocument and CSV.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to configure Wiremock application.
Library contains set of actions and assertions used to create System tests and Component tests for microservices.
Managed library for generating and optimizing lists of file paths.
FluendComparator is a .NET library which allows you compare generic objects effectively. It makes it easy to exclude certain properties from the comparison process and it can return the list of differences.
Uses Rx v2.5.5
Command line tool used to measure REST API test coverage. Tool takes StoryLine.Rest tests execution report and compares it to API information stored in Swagger document.
Automatically creates an assembly and package version based on environmental information, such as Git.