Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

This package allow support for Serial Port in all Linux flavor Os including MacOS, iOS for .NET Core. It does implement a System.IO.Ports for Linux and iOS devices for .NET core using standard libc.
ELMAH for ASP.NET Core with Redis Server
API Client for InvoiceXpress online invoicing software.
Package Description
SOLID framework for code happy
Complete, cross-platform, managed wrapper around the GLFW library for creating native windows with an OpenGL context.
Dijing.LinuxSerialPortHelper is a serial port library based on serialportstream .netcore
MVVM Helpers: - ViewModelBase, - ObservableCollectionEx - FullyObservableCollection, - EventToCommand, - DependencyObject, FrameworkElement and Visual extensions ApplicationExtensions allowing registering disposable objects to dispose when application exits.
AspNet Core middelware allowing you to start Parcel when running your AspNet Core application
support event publish and subscription using Masstransit for Jimu microservice framework
AspNet Core Extensions to work with InvoiceXpress.ApiClient.
SDL2 wrapper for .NET standard.
swagger support for jimu
.Net core Package for setting repository with mongodb. -update link project
.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client).Modify datareader and you can use stackexchange dapper.
The .NET Core Face API SDK enables software developers to easily and quickly access Microsoft Cognitive Services for face recognition.