Top 20 NuGet netcore Packages

Provides in-memory, caching support for Cached, the fast, easy and concurrency-safe cache library for NetCore and Net 5. Utilizes Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.MemoryCache as underlying cache provider.
SharedFlat is a multitenancy library for .NET Core/.NET Standard.
The tools provide components for MVVM architecture in Xamarin.Forms applications
Contains classes to work with Entity Framework Core
Package Description
AppyWay Configuration Providers for Dotnet
Package Description
aliyun.oss.sdk.core 2.5.3
[Open Source] Vaser is a powerful high-performance event based network engine library for C# .Net. It is possible to start multiple servers in one program and use the same network code for all servers. In the baselayer network communication are all strings are omitted, instead it is based on a uniqu...
A simple framework publish subscribe framework
Postal.NET is a .NET Standard library for writing decoupled applications
PCL Extension provides network related implementations for .NET, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps. Supports .NET Standard now.