Top 20 NuGet net45 Packages

A RecyclerView control for Android, Incremental Collection for Windows Apps
A .Net Standard class library that wraps around different WebSocket implementations.
A collection of utility classes.
CqlSharp is a high performance, asynchronous Cassandra CQL binary protocol client implementing the ADO.NET data provider interfaces. It's main features are: * The API implements the ADO.NET interfaces. If you are familiar with SqlConnection, SqlCommand, and SqlReader, you should be able...
web services proxy for ARES services
A helper library for unit testing code using the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP).
original: A simple, strongly typed .NET C# command line parser library using a fluent easy to use interface
Pingo Console Kit Compliant Json converters
A simple framework publish subscribe framework
A portable library for the DataAnnotations namespace. Reduced surface area matches the Silverlight SDK version of DataAnnotations, with additions of some classes. With .NET 4.6
Platform utilities for iOnTech applications.
Test utility classes for iOnTech applications.