Top 20 NuGet neo4j Packages
Fork of Neo4jClient .NET client binding for Neo4j
A Neo4j ICacheClient to persist cached data in a Neo4j Graph DB.
Implements ServiceStack's built-in Cache Provider:
A Neo4j ICacheClient to persist cached data in a Neo4j Graph DB.
Implements ServiceStack's built-in Cache Provider:
.NET client for Neo4j Graph Database
Extends Weaver with Titan-specific data-type and query functionality.
A .Net API for the Neo4j HTTP Transactional Endpoint.
This package contains a plugin for Neo4jClient to show query information in a tab.
Extending the awesome Neo4jClient, provides just the attributes required by Neo4jClient.Extension to allow class libraries to remove dependency on Neo4jClient
Lightweight transactional client for Neo4j
Extending the awesome Neo4jClient, provides just the attributes required by Neo4jClient.Extension to allow class libraries to remove dependency on Neo4jClient
C# Neo4j Driver built on Neo4j 2.2 REST API including transactional support
Custom instance store for Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5 that uses Neo4j for persistance
An object graph mapping library for .Net
A collection of operators that can help write a Neo4j Cipher query using the natural syntax (or as close as possible) without resorting to too many magic strings.
Identity implementation for the .Net Core Identity using the Neo4jClient package
A NetStandard 2.0 Neo4j based identity provider for ASP.NET.
Generates sequence numbers used as Primary Keys to locate your records
Generates sequence numbers used as Primary Keys to locate your records
A Neo4j IUserAuthRepository to persist User registration and auth info in a Neo4j Graph DB.
Implements ServiceStack's built-in AuthProvider Model:
inc. Twitter, Facebook, Basic, Digest, Credentials Aut...
A Neo4j IUserAuthRepository to persist User registration and auth info in a Neo4j Graph DB.
Implements ServiceStack's built-in AuthProvider Model:
inc. Twitter, Facebook, Basic, Digest, Credentials Aut...