Top 20 NuGet neo4j Packages

The official .NET driver for the Neo4j Graph Database over the Bolt protocol.
A .NET client for neo4j: an open source, transactional graph database. It's pretty awesome.
The official .NET driver for the Neo4j Graph Database over the Bolt protocol.
Synchronous extensions for the official .NET driver.
Execute commands and queries against Neo4j graph(s). Optionally layers a virtual cluster on top of individual graph instances.
Use POCO classes in the Neo4jClient library, ORM style. Annotate with System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema attributes. Supports Complex Types too.
An Object Graph Mapper for CSharp and Neo4j. It supports defining your object model as a schema written in C#, adding refactor scripts to define changes to your model over time, also written in C#. When you run your program and the graph is of an older version, the upgrade script will automatically ...
Synchronous extensions for the official .NET driver.
Reactive extensions for the official .NET driver.
Reactive extensions for the official .NET driver.
Driver needed to connect to Neo4j using Blueprint41
A code-first, domain driven, schema management tool for Neo4j and .NET. Helpful in quickly and consistently managing graph schema for your domain model.
Driver needed to connect to Neo4j using Blueprint41
A polymorphic JsonConverter and extension methods for Neo4jClient
Makes it super easy to host Neo4j in an Azure worker role
A library to simplify mapping of cypher results onto your models
Extensions to the Neo4j.Driver to make it a bit easier to use.
Repository Abstraction for the Neo4jClient Library
A ApprovalTests.Net reporter and approver to be used to unit test Neo4j with the Neo4jClient .net client
Neo4j implementation of the RevStackCore repository/graph pattern