Top 20 NuGet nativepackage Packages

A simple, portable and lightweight generic library for handling UTF-8 encoded strings.
tiny-js. Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 15.7.4 v141_xp.
Adds support for PackageReference to Visual C++ projects (*.vcxproj files). You must include this project as an SDK reference for it to be effective.
libssh2. Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 15.7.4 v141_xp.
Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB): An efficient similarity search library and a toolkit for evaluation of k-NN methods for generic non-metric spaces.
Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB): An efficient similarity search library and a toolkit for evaluation of k-NN methods for generic non-metric spaces.
hnswlib: Header-only C++ library for fast approximate nearest neighbors
Contains the native binaries of a LGPL build of FFmpeg.
fmt for me
Microsoft.Windows.WinMD is a pure C++ header library for parsing Windows Metadata (WinMD) files.
Python 3.8 API
In C++ you can get the compilation time using the __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros, but that macros returns strings representing the date and time and not values we can use to compare. Sometimes we need to compare this dates and times, maybe because we want to know at runtime whether or not our program...
GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows
GMock for Windows
功能 —— 有效缓解DLL劫持攻击 我们知道,加载dll时是有搜索顺序的,具体顺序可以参考MSDN —— dynamic-link-library-search-order。 这个顺序给我们提供便利的同时也引入了安全隐患,比如的程序根目录放上修改版的 version.dll、msimg32.dll或者其他。如果你的程序直接或者间接的依赖了这些dll,那么极有可能被劫持。
GMock for Windows