Top 20 NuGet nativepackage Packages

boost_exception-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.11.31.
boost_python37-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.1.1.
boost_python38-vc141. Compiler: Visual Studio 2017 15.9.24.
boost_python38-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
This version is for Win32 desktop applications using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, Visual Studio 2017, or Visual Studio 2019.
A C++ library for decoding and encoding glTF files.
A c++ wrapper of MPI
GetOpt Port for Windows
cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast, light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can ...
The Galileo C++ SDK allows rapid prototyping of Internet of Things devices using the familiar Arduino interface.
Redistributable components for package 'librabbitmq'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Suppresses some common warnings found in HEP code, also turns off linking against the debug libraries.
The Native Wiring SDK allows rapid prototyping of Internet of Things devices using the familiar Arduino interface.