Top 20 NuGet nlog Packages

Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 2.1 logging framework.
NLog.Targets.Gelf is a custom target for NLog and Graylog2 server To use NLog.Targets.Gelf just add the following to your config file and place NLog.Targets.Gelf.dll in the same location as the NLog.dll file: <nlog> <extensions> <add assembly="NLog.Targets.Gelf" /> </extensions> <targets> ...
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service.
Send log message from NLog to ActiveMQ
The NLog Syslog Target is a custom target for NLog version 3.2.1 allowing you to send logging messages to a UNIX-style Syslog server.
NLog.Targets.Pushover is a custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Pushover service
An NLog layout renderer that allows items in the current HTTP context to be added to a log layout. Example: ${http-context-item:X-RequestId} will log the contents of HttpContext.Current.Items["X-Request-Id"]
Enables sending log messages from the Lacuna PKI SDK to the NLog logging library
An NLog target for Telegram Messenger Check out the GitHub repo for setup instructions:
An NLog target for the Bugsnag error reporting SaaS. NLog: Bugsnag:
This adds support for logging using NLog in Encel. After installing this package you need to configure Encel to use the NLogFactory in EncelConfig.cs. config.UseLogger(new NLogFactory()); Encel is a lightweight flat-file CMS that let's you create web pages using Markdown and Shortcodes...
This package provides an NLog Target of 'NLogEtw' which raises ETW events and encapsulates the information from the NLog events
NLog target around Pushover-dotnet
It is a Fay Logging facade for the NLog version 4.x. This facade provides a simple delegate logging API making logging easier, while helping to make sure any of the code required to generate a log message is not executed unless the logging level is within scope.
The NLog target to write to Kafka queue
Cheers Diagnostic NLog implementation
A very useful proxy for using NLog. You can use it! But if you want to use another logger such as Log4Net, you can change just LoggerProxy! not all of your applications.
An implementation of the Holotrek's Logging provider that uses NLog.
An NLog target for MongoDB supported name collection as date(eg. Log${date:yyMMdd}) supported customized MongoDB connection string provider.
Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 4.4.11 logging framework.