Top 20 NuGet mssql Packages

This namespace provides classes you can use in your code to perform operations on DACPAC and BACPAC packages. These packages can be extracted and exported from existing databases or used to deploy and import new databases. DAPCAC packages can also be used to upgrade an existing database.
NuClear project operations processing using transport based on MsSQL store
It provides cache support for Repository.MySql and Repository.MsSql. Please refer to the project on github for further details.
Probably completely outdated NHibernate helper
The right tool for Database First Migrations. The DatabaseMigration class executes SQL scripts in a certain location accordingly to their file name order one by one just like migrations would be executed on a CodeFirst solution.So it is a Database First automatic migrations solution.
GBAKFramework GBAKFramework open source database processing Developer Guide
EventWay.Infrastructure.MsSql is the MS SQL Server implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
Data Access for Sql Server
Utilities for connect and perform CRUD operations over Microsoft SQL server, this library is an adapter to process results and map them to objects if you want it.
This client library is a powerful tool for MSSQL/PostgreSQL. This tool allows to easy execute command/procedure with using only one line of code. Samples - If you have any questions or need improvement feel free to c...
EventWay.Infrastructure.Sqlite is an Sqlite implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.Redis is a Redis implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.InMemory is an in-memory implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.ApplicationInsights tracks all events of the aggreate by Azure Application Insights
MSSQL Connection Class
Package Description
Simple and powerful SQL builder
A .NET Core Global Tool to deploy changes to SQL databases using DbUp.
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or