Top 20 NuGet mssql Packages
A Tiny ORMish thing for your POCO's.
You hate verbatim SQL queries with zero type safety for your code but you love the speed?
Dapper.FastCRUD is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels.
These features leave no chance t...
PetaPoco is a tiny, single file .NET data access layer inspired by Massive that works with both non-dynamic POCO objects and dynamics.
This package includes the core PetaPoco library + T4 templates to generate POCO classes from your database
A SQL Server IO module for NTS which works directly with the serialization format
Library to create and use COMB (timestamped sequential) GUID variants for Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL. See the GitHub site for more details.
Microsoft SQL Server-based persistence for Rebus
ThinkGeo.SqlServer works with both .NET Core(3.0 and above) and .NET Framework(4.6.2 and above). It is a layer extension to the ThinkGeo product line that provides the ability to render Microsoft SQL Server Spatial data on a map.
This layer takes advantage of the Microsoft SQL server spati...
Package Description
Peachpie PHP language MsSql library functions.
Simple database wrapper for SQL Server written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for MySQL, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL.
Simple database wrapper for Postgresql written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for SQL Server, Sqlite, and MySQL.
Simple database wrapper for MySQL written in C# supporting dynamic query building and nesting using expressions. Refer to other DatabaseWrapper packages for support for SQL Server, Sqlite, and PostgreSQL.
Do not install this package directly. Core classes for DatabaseWrapper packages.
ADO.NET Micro-ORM to SQL Server, implemented as .NET Standard 2.1 (since version 3.5.x) or a .Net Core 6.0 library (since version 3.0.0).
Use version 2.x.x, which was built with Net Standard 2.0, if you want to utilise this library with the .Net Framework or a previous version of .NET Core.
Add MSSQL container specific functionality.
Represents a connection to MS SQL database for FastReport.OpenSource
This package will not be updated. The FastReport.Data.MsSql package now includes a connector for all versions of the FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.CoreWin (.Net Core 3.1 an...
FreeSql 数据库实现,基于 SqlServer 2005+,并根据版本适配分页方法:row_number 或 offset fetch next
OrmDB is a simple, fast and lightweight embedded .NET ORM tool which was inspired by the equivalent other tools. OrmDB is standalone a single DLL fully written in .NET managed code, and works across .NET ADO providers such as MsSql, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSql and SQLite.
The library enables to create/use different engine databases for consuming Route4Me system.
Supported database engines:
- MsSql (SqlExpress, LocalDb)
- MySql
- PostgrSql
- SQLite
The library is done in the c# (.net core) envirnoment and it's platform-independent.
# EventFlow

$ dotnet add package EventFlow
EventFlow is a basic CQRS+ES framework designed to be easy to use.
Have a look at our [getting started guide](