Top 20 NuGet msbuild Packages

Hooks into the csc and ASP.NET MVC pipeline to enable DNX-style metaprogramming in ASP.NET MVC 5 applications with StackExchange.Precompilation.Build
XmlTransform.Tasks provides a nice and easy way to perform config file transformation using MsBuild tasks. It is a tool (solution level) package. It uses 'Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform' (package id 'Microsoft.Web.Xdt') to perform the transformation.
Cake MSBuildTask AddIn
MSBuild task to install Nuget packages from local packages folder downloaded by Nuget Package Restore The original NugetPackageRestore added packageInstaller.xst on the packages' folder. This works well for one Web project, but multiple web projects means that the second Web project does not run th...
Generates an ExtMap.xml file for a Silverlight project during build.
An MSBuild Task to generate Postman v3 collections from WebApi ApiControllers without dependencies on MVC, WebApiHelp or System.Web. Based on Yao's example
It is a task collection that adds an insufficient amount in the tasking facility of the MSBuild standard.
XSTL 2 and 3 transformation for MSBuild.
Import EnlistmentInfo .props and .targets from project directory or above.
MSBuild targets for ReportingServices and WebApplications that come with Visual Studio. Useful for build servers that do not have Visual Studio installed.
Stackato MSBuild Tasks
Packs a NuGet-package after a successful build in 'Release' to solution-root\NuGet-packed. NuGet.exe has to be installed and on the PATH.
NuGet package to automatically import an MSBuild targets file without manually editing your project files
MsBuild targets that allow control publishing projects to dedicated folder through `OutDir` property. The intention is to help extract requred files from build process to dedicated folder, by reporducing Web Application project type behaviour. In Visual Studio IDE it works transp...
Xamarin Android MSBuild targets for chaning versionName and versionCode in Android manifest file
Xamarin Android MSBuild targets for labelin app icons with custom text
Augments the current project with an item named after each project reference, containing the metadata that would be added as project define constants for WiX. i.e. for a project reference PclProfiles, WiX will add $(var.PclProfiles.TargetDir), which this target exposes to MSBuild as %(Pc...