Top 20 NuGet monitor Packages

Harvester - Core
A simple wrapper around FileSystemWatcher to watch multiple single files across directories.
Monitorador de Threads
Contains IIS and Azure web environment compatible custom implementation of the Sql Dependency Notification framework.
A .NET component that provides a mechanism that synchronizes thread access to a block of code based on value granularity.
Provides Live Monitoring For a web application
Core functionality for SimpleEventMonitor
Redis Store for the SimpleEventMonitor
SimpleEventMonitor.Web: This Package should be added to an Empty ASP.NET site which will then be configured to be the monitor site
This tool provides an easy way to check an object for instance fields modifications at any time.
WPF clipboard monitor to notify on clipboard update
CLR Class Library providing access to Windows Monitor Configuration. Most convenient to adjust monitor settings such as brightness and contrast.
This package contains all-in-one library to help track CPU / Memory (RAM) / Disk (Ready) usage / SQL and SQL Server Performance to monitor device and assembly performance better. Your all-in-one System Performance tracker. GitHub Open Source Poject:
Events client to load events
WPF implementation of a USB monitor to signal if a USB device is plugged in or out. This implementation if Forms free and can also be used by MVVM. Documentation included.
Total wrapper on WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) namespaces and classes to query hardware and software installed on the system for .NET Standard
Base framework from HardwareProviders libraries. Contains utility for read and write directly on computer ports.
A small command-line tool for managing monitor brightness on Windows.
Package Description