Top 20 NuGet model Packages

PowerPoint presentation from template and model
DevExpress eXpandFramework Standalone Model Editor VS/Rider/Explorer integration.
anti xss mvc model binder policy
Use the interop implementation of the virtual dom for creating VSTO addins.
A .Net library to handle DirectX .dds files
A .Net library that implements a basic camera for DirectX
Generates SqlKata abstractions for the AST produced by "Allvis.Kaylee.Analyzer", using the new Roslyn Source Generator capabilities which ship with .NET 5.
Extension for DynamicImage that can render 3D scenes
3D asset import library for .NET 4.0. Supported formats are Autodesk 3DS and Lightwave OBJ.
A fast and customizable way to add Model (with optional Controller and Views) to your ASP.NET MVC project. You can specify property types or can use conventions. Visit the Project site to learn about output and conventions' customization. Inspired by MVCScaffolding.
Base classes to implement a Domain Model also using DDD (Domain Driven Development) and to abstract the ORM or the storage and change it simply.
MVVM extensions for Avalon Wizard.
The knockout viewmodel plugin allows you create complex observable viewmodels easily and with more structure and control than ever before.
The core of FastDAO, an object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
OleDb adapter for FastDAO, an object-relational mapper for the .NET framework
Unobtrusive EPiServer 7 page editor support for ASP.NET MVC applications, friendly URLs and extendable API for custom model processors.
Epicycle .NET photogrammetry library. Includes: Camera and image models, projections, croping * Details & release notes: * Sources: * G...
Small .NET tool aiding in sql data modeling and simplified CRUD.
An extremely small and tiny (almost not there) MVVM library for Xamarin.Forms.
Kevoree Model