Top 20 NuGet mobile Packages

File Server Lib for Karamunting.AndroidX.TonyoFrancis.Fetch2
Simple, powerful, customizable file download manager library for Android
Wrapper over Appium to automate mobile applications for .NET
To get up and running with Vungle, you'll need to create an account with Vungle and add an application to the Vungle Dashboard.
Provides a powerful yet lightweight Rest client to access remote resources in Crosslight apps.
Crosslight is an advanced development toolset for building rich cross-platform mobile applications with 100% shared UI logic. Supported platforms include iOS, Android, and Windows.
Data model for the Correspondence collaboration framework.
MVC application template for the Correspondence collaboration framework.
Adds kinetic scrolling to a div container
A simple jQuery plugin that uses jQuery Mobile themes to display info and error messages.
Navigation for ASP.NET is a unique take on state management in ASP.NET applications that puts the Url back into the WUrld Wide Web
Pocketstop REST API helper library
A nuget package to add searching for additional locations for mobile views with the spark view engine.
This package contains contains the Script.jQuery assembly that allows you to reference and program against the rich set of jQuery APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
Analytics for Windows Phone provides mechanism for instrumenting an app with Google Analytics. You can track events, user device information, app version, and WP OS version. It also provides realtime tracking so you know how many people are using your app at this moment. Currently only Google Analy...
Wrapper around Azure Mobile Services that can be used in any .NET 4 client
This package will update your MVC4 project, installing for you and adding in adaptive view features for mobile devices, returning unique views to desktops, tablets, and phones. It will create a DisplayModeProviders class and the ViewSwitcher code for you and includes the necessary MVC4...
Mobiscroll package for jQuery Mobile
Multiple-client test suite for the Correspondence collaboration framework.
Application support for the Correspondence collaboration framework.