Top 20 NuGet mobile Packages

Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
XCore - Xamarin iOS native component for mobile cross platform application
XCore - Xamarin Android native component for mobile cross platform application
Icons for use in Geocortex Mobile apps. - Android uses xml icons. - iOS uses pdf icons in an Asset Catalog. - UWP uses svg icons. We have made these icons available for you under the Apache License Version 2.0 ( The only thing we ask is that you not r...
Resolve time with Internet Time Server
The most common methods, types and interfaces for use across all Mobile (Xamarin) projects.
Library for logger utilities for xamarine mobile apps.
Lite version of C# bindings for Google APIs Mobile Ads iOS Library while waiting for the official release from Xamarin. Only focus on Banner, Instertitial, and Reward Ads. Try to be as close to Xamarin's naming of namespaces, methods and classes as possible
A .NET 8.0 collection with value objects that intend to model some Brazilian's Person domain properties