Top 20 NuGet ml Packages

Portuguese language pack for the Catalyst.ConceptNet package.
Russian language pack for the Catalyst.ConceptNet package.
Spanish language pack for the Catalyst.ConceptNet package.
Swedish language pack for the Catalyst.ConceptNet package.
A .NET Core command line tool to automatically build, train, and generate an ML.NET model and consumption code.
ML.NET component for exporting ONNX Models
ML.NET component for Ensembles
A library for F# like functional patten matching based on the work of Bob Nystrom.
NFastText is a library for efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification.
GenderPrediction.Turkish is a library that provides prediction of gender from Turkish names built on ML.NET Both training
Library for the FSharp friendly usage of the ML.NET project
.NET bindings for the TensorFlow 2 C API. These are low-level bindings suitable for creating high-level idiomatic interfaces to TensorFlow 2 in languages like C# and F#.
A .Net Wrapper for the Weka Machine Learning Library.
The Azure Custom Vision service ( is able to create models that can be exported as CoreML, Tensorflow or ONNX models to do image classification. This plugin makes it easy to download and use these models offline from inside your mobile app, using CoreML on iOS, Tensorflow on...
SimpleML provides implementations of basic machine learning algorithms.
The Azure Custom Vision service ( is able to create models that can be exported as CoreML, Tensorflow or ONNX models to do image classification. This plugin makes it easy to download and use these models offline from inside your mobile app, using CoreML on iOS, Tensorflow on...
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET Single-Precision P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
A framework for easy development of signal processing systems, texts, time series, etc. using machine learning methods, we are on Telegram: