Top 20 NuGet metrics Packages

Tools to measure your application
StatsMix API Client. StatsMix makes it easy to track, chart, and share application and business metrics. View the documentation at and the source at
Want to integrate with statr? You're in the right place.
The Web Solutions Platform (WSP) event system is a general-purpose distributed publish/subscribe event system designed for high performance and low latency. Publish/subscribe is a common communication pattern though there are many variations to solve different scenario requirements. The event system...
A scaleable and easy to use BI framework writing in C#. Graphene can be used to track various Metrics similar to Graphite. The pre-aggregated data can be stored in SQL Server or MongoDB.
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Xamarin Android applications.
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Xamarin iOS applications.
Google Analytics client for C# applications with automatic wire-up for Windows 8/8.1 store applications.
DEPRECATED, This packages has been renamed Nancy.Metrics
Splunk>MINT Xamarin Android Java Bindings
Splunk>MINT Xamarin iOS Classic API Objective-C Bindings
Glimpse plugin for SSW Analytics Interface which outputs metrics to Glimpse timeline.
InfluxDB .NET Library to write and ready query InfluxDB metrics. Build via: Forked from: Excluded portablenet
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
SQL Server adaptor for Graphene. SQL Server DB Generation Scripts:
Allows you to track events and show a funnel dashboard.
An opinionated tiny lib, which sends telemetry data in StatsD format in a strongly typed way.
Statsd client for C#, providing a full set of counter/timer/gauge/set functionality in an easy to use static. Helpers are provided for easily timing chunks of code too.