Top 20 NuGet metrics Packages

An extension for Orleans which intercepts all telemetry calls, calculates and tracks the metrics on each silo, and aggregates all of the silo metrics into a ClusterMetricsGrain. The metrics stored in this grain can be accessed from any grain or Orleans client by subscribing to individual silo or agg...
Fast aggergating CloudWatch Metrics publisher
This library extends Metrics.NET with AWS Cloud Watch reporting capabilities
Zipkin instrumentation for RestSharp based on the library ( It allows to automatically log every outgoing HTTP request into Zipkin, co-relating trace IDs.
Okanshi support for WepApi
gRPC Prometheus client - server instrumentation for DotNet.
App.Metrics.Extensions.NServiceBus extension for capture NSB metrics.
The SOAC Factory is the hook for SOAcollective's SOA Platform out-of-the Box for the Microsoft stack. It allows you to automatically endow your WCF services with ws-discovery, metrics, monitoring and more with zero coding.
The package provides code analysis features using the Roslyn CTP. The project calculates the following metrics: Project Level - Cyclomatic Complexity - LinesOfCode - Maintainability Index - Project Dependencies - Type Couplings - Abstractness ...
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Windows XAML Universal Applications 8.1.
The library provides support for integrating Log4Net with the Metrics.NET Library
(Legacy .NET 4.0 Version) The library provides support for integrating NancyFx with the Metrics.NET Library
The library provides support for integrating Nancy with the Metrics.NET Library
.NET port of Twitter's Ostrich library for capturing performance metrics in a CLR app
ApplicationMetrics provides interfaces and classes to allow simple logging of metric and instrumentation events from a client application. ApplicationMetrics includes several implementations of metric logger classes which write metrics and instrumentation information to files, and the console. It ...
Graphite reporting adapter for NMetrics