Top 20 NuGet methods Packages
A very good pack of extension methods to work with Json.
Example: .ToJson(); .FromJson<T>();
Cryptography extensions for strings and arrays of bytes.
Helpers e Extension Methods para o HtmlAgilityPack.
Simple collection of extensions for your project.
LinqPlus provides more LINQ awesomeness, with optimized LINQ methods for specific containers, tuple enumeration of dictionaries, functional LINQ extension methods, single function extensions for common patterns, and more.
Methods binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
It provides some useful extensions methods for software development regardless the application type
HTML Helpers service for .NET MVC Apps.
It is a .NET Core/Standard library that provides to a Web API project cache capabilities
It is a .NET Core/Standard library that provides usefull SFTP methods and implementation
It is a .NET Core/Standard library that provides dynamic object creation and query using expression
Utility classes for Console Applications (namely ColoredConsole)
Doitsu.Service.Core is a util platform to support AspNetCore using patterns UOW, ViewModel, Service. Some utils like logger, identity. The main target to help my company coding faster.
This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.94 API
Methods Extensions for object, string, datetime, IEnumerable, IQueryable, and many others
Provides a number of extension methods and utility classes.
Provides useful extension methods for primitive .Net data types.
PortableExtensions is a set of .Net extension methods build as portable class library. PortableExtensions enhance the .Net framework by adding a bunch of methods to increase developer’s productivity.
Finaquant Protos is a non-commercial and free .NET library with table-valued functions (Table Functions). This .NET library can only be used for non-commercial purposes like education and science. Please see Finaquant Calcs with additional features and unlimited table size for commercial use.