Top 20 NuGet methods Packages
Ultimate.Utilities provides the utility functions for strings, collections, objects. It has StringUtils, CollectionUtils, ObjectUtils and CommonUtils. These classes provide you with a large number of helper functions that can help you code much better. And the best thing is it is available for .Net ...
Useful extension methods for daily usage
Commonly used extension methods.
Some usefull extensions methods
A collection of extension methods, abstract base classes and helpers for general purposes
Coleção de classes e métodos úteis em C# para manipulação de strings, datas, envio de e-mail, etc para ser utilizado com o .NET Standard 2.0
CRUD extension methods for Dapper
Extension methods supporting Entity Framework.
Provides extension methods and utility classes for working with Rx.
Framework.WebAPI.CrossClientIt is a .NET Core/Standard library that expose the HttpClient capabilities to cross client applications
It is a .NET Core/Standard library that provides logging capabilities that relies on the Log4Net package
Common extension methods for ASP.NET Core Projects
Package Description
LinksPlatform's Platform.Collections.Methods is a Template Library what contains set of C++ classes templates to build custom implementations of collections on top of provided standard methods implementations. Use Platform.Collections.Methods.h file to include the library.
This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.96 API
Shared most common extension for commonly used types
Base Class Library Extensions for C# base class library types like System.String.