Top 20 NuGet message Packages

A simple framework to help displaying dialogs on a WPF app.
A Pact implementation for .NET with support for Pact Specification v3.
A client class to send messages using a Discord webhook.
The Proximity APIs for NFC (Near Field Communication) in the Windows platform are compatible to NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) messages, which are used on NFC tags and to send data between two devices. While the Proximity APIs include basic support for URIs, they lack support for more in-depth con...
Azure ServiceBus extension for CloudNative.CloudEvents
jGrowl is a jQuery plugin that raises unobtrusive messages within the browser, similar to the way that OS X's Growl Framework works. The idea is simple, deliver notifications to the end user in a noticeable way that doesn't obstruct the work flow and yet keeps the user informed. jGrowl is the last ...
Package Description
A simple message bus.
PubNub is a Massively Scalable Web Push Service for Web and Mobile Games. This is a cloud-based service for broadcasting messages to thousands of web and mobile clients simultaneously
A message consumer job implementation for RabbitMQ with built-in Json serialization of messages - ConsumeMessageAsync - ConsumeMessageAsync<T> q: [email protected]
SDK for message cancellation
Generic implementation of the operation result pattern that should fits most needs.
Provides support for advanced message processing scenarios using Microsoft Azure Service Bus, including retry with back off delay handling through failure policies.
Message queue support via EasyNetQ, a .NET RabbitMQ library
Basic functionality for message queue support
Autofac DI features for TauCode messaging
An assembly for Office 365 management and reporting.
TauCode MQ testing support library
NHibernate support for TauCode MQ via Autofac
PkcsExtensions is little library without dependencies provide base PKCS and PKI functionality missing in .Net Core.