Top 20 NuGet mediator Packages

.NET mediator implementation with convenience types.
Mediator with Commands and Queries
Simple .NET mediator implementation.
Simple implementation of the mediator pattern, full support to .NET Core's builtin dependency injection containers.
Abstraction of the mediator pattern, fully extendable to support all dependency injection containers.
Entity Framework Core Helper plugins for Mediat.
Simple implementations of DI, Mediator (or CQRS), Logger, JSON Serializer/Deserializer and Mapper
In-process mediator for requests, notifications and handlers.
Build clean architecture with mediator implementation in .NET
Intermedium registration for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Velo implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. Velo is simple implementations of IoC-Container, Mediator (or CQRS), JSON Serializer/Deserializer and Mapper
Supporting package for the HTTP Mediator Middleware
Implementation of the mediator pattern. Supporting attribute based pipelines, commands, event and queries.