Top 20 NuGet mediator Packages

FluentValidation provider for Kledex validation
Kledex Memory Cache Provider
Abstractions for handling events
Extension to inject Solyanka.Dispatcher to Microsoft.DependencyInjection
Dispatcher building pipelines and handling queries, commands and events
Abstractions for handling commands and queries
Package Description
Library implements chain responsability pattern or saga pattern. It improves code reuse in many cases
Simple, easy-to-hook-up mediator implementation that works natively through the HTTP
Extensions for configuring Mediati command, query and event handlers automatically with dependency injection.
Add library registration support for MediatR
LightBus is a lightweight in-process bus.
Shared library for mediator pattern. This library provides base and abstract implementations used by DI constainer-specific implementations.
Simple and easy to use background task processing and message queue for .NET
With Broadcast, a single object can communicate with multiple objects in a non-generic manor, without knowing that the objects exist. The implementations within .NET such as the IObserver and IObservable pattern are a very cumbersome subscription model for method invocation. The solution .NET provid...